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Stamford Advocate Letter to the Editor: "Why I support Jacobson"

August 12, 2024

Why I support Jacobson

To the editor,

In the spirit of the turning tides and invigorated hope we feel in the Democratic party on a national level, the current Stamford Democratic Primary vote is offering a chance to introduce some much needed change. Specifically in the 148th District, I’m voting for Jonathan Jacobson as our state representative because we deserve someone who stands up for what’s right and fair, and Jonathan genuinely represents the voices of our party.

Concentration of political power in a single individual is never a good thing, as we have seen throughout history. In the March Stamford Democratic City Committee (SDCC) election, Democratic voters soundly rejected the practice of double-dipping, the practice by which SDCC members nominate and endorse themselves for elective office. When I first learned the incumbent in our district holds three elected offices, including positions where she was able to endorse herself, I was astounded. True democracy means opening up opportunities for everyone, not hoarding them for yourself. The practice was ended because the party knows it leads to a focus on self-serving instead of the dedication needed to one’s constituents. I’ve attended SDCC meetings, and ran for the Democratic City Committee position opposing her myself, witnessing how this happens in real time. We deserve someone who cares more about what they can do for others through public office.

Jonathan Jacobson has fought vigorously to bring true democratic practices to the forefront. He has pledged to resign his position on the Board of Representatives upon election as state representative. He has a strong record of legislative achievement during his nearly ten years’ service on the Stamford Board of Representatives. And he has earned the endorsement of the Stamford Democratic City Committee and Mayor Caroline Simmons.

For these reasons and more, I am supporting Jonathan Jacobson for State Representative in the Democratic Party primary election on Aug. 13. Early voting is going on now and I encourage everyone to have a plan in place before the day arrives. Your vote can make the change we need happen.

Alexandra Siladi



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