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Stamford Advocate Letter to the Editor: "Former Mayor David Martin backs Jacobson in 148th"

Oct 22, 2024

To the editor,

I strongly encourage Stamford voters in the 148th CT House District to vote for Jonathan Jacobson in this upcoming election. He has been a terrific representative on the Stamford Board of Representatives and will be an excellent legislator in the Connecticut House.

He hasn’t just voted on local legislation for Stamford, he has written it. He wrote the plastic bag ordinance that in just a few months resulted in an 86 percent reduction in plastic bag trash in Stamford’s harbor. His ordinance resolved several complicated and divisive issues; and as a result, was copied by several other Connecticut cities before the state later adopted its key provisions.

It’s usually very difficult for regular citizens to know what their representatives are really doing, but as mayor, I was able to see him conduct his own careful research into controversial issues, fight against racism, and help lead the Board of Reps resolve difficult issues that helped the City move forward. For instance, the reason there is green space at the corner of Bedford and Hoyt rather than a asbestos contaminated and blighted/derelict old police building is partially because of his leadership as a committee chair. And he never did his great work as a special political favor to me, or anyone else, he did it on his own initiative to help our city.

Incidentally, you should also vote for Harris & Walz for president and VP. But if you don’t already know that I am not sure what I can say to help convince you!

David Martin is a former mayor of Stamford.


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