August 6, 2024
Jacobson has impeccable ethics
The City of Stamford and the State of Connecticut deserve ethical and moral leadership.
“We the People” need new representation to ensure our democratic values will be honored. Jonathan Jacobson, the endorsed candidate for the Connecticut 148th State House District, is the right person. I have known Jonathan since he started his political efforts to serve my district as a city representative in 2016. He has always listened to my thoughts on improving our neighborhood, making it safer, reducing traffic accidents, etc.
Jonathan is a person with impeccable ethics and moral standing. He is not a career politician who has lost touch with his constituents and is not afraid to call out those looking to improve their own lives at the expense of others. This is why the Democratic Party endorses Jonathan Jacobson while his primary opponent has lost her endorsement.
My name is David Blank, and I have been a member of the Stamford community for more than 40 years. I have raised my family of five children with my wife, Bonnie (a native). I have directly been part of the Stark School PTO, Dolan PTA, and Stamford High School’s inaugural Governance Council, for which I served as president. I am no stranger to BOE, BOR, and other community efforts within our city.
Now, more than ever, we need ethical and moral leadership in our local and state government. Voting in the upcoming elections is our chance to make a difference. Join me in casting your vote for Jonathan Jacobson.
David E. Blank, Stamford
August 6, 2024