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My opponent claims to support a woman's right to choose. Her public statements and voting record tell a different story. This is why I've been endorsed by Planned Parenthood Votes! Connecticut and Reproductive Equity Now:

Get the facts. Figueroa's anti-choice position:


"From personal experience, and as a Latina, I can tell you that Latinas don’t really look for abortions." (13:29)

"Abortion is an everyday option and I think that we need to walk away from that." (1:20:04)

"The minute I, as a woman, I hear the baby’s heart, I am not going to become a criminal." (1:23)


"If what I am saying here today is going to affect me by being reelected, then let it be." (1:39)

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  • FACT: Figueroa was a leading speaker at an anti-abortion rally in the Capitol.

Our Voice. Our Narrative. A Whole Life Forum on Reproductive Care for Women of Color Hosted by Reps. McGee, Figueroa, Gonzalez and Porter, 3/20/24.

  • FACT: Figueroa voted against shielding Connecticut doctors and nurses who provide abortion care from criminal prosecution.

H.B. No. 6820, 5/18/23.

  • FACT: Figueroa voted to deny Connecticut college students easy access to robust reproductive care, including access to birth control.

S.B. No. 108, 6/01/23.

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